

Why did the batter start running towards third after the hit?

Christ, Harvard really is insufferable in every imaginable way.

He stole that quote like it was in the seafood section of Publix.

You Cowboys haters really don’t want us to go 0-14. You want us to end up 7-9 or 8-8 and miss the playoffs like normal, so we can get stuck with a mediocre draft pick and be mediocre forever.

Translation: The Showboating Black Man Burned My Daughters Eyes With His Black Dancing Acid.

I won’t lie. I totally read it as I-Voh-Body and was like “I don’t get....oooooh”

Cops probably didn’t believe him because he didn’t refer to it as THE Ohio State University.

That’s a clown calendar, bro.

I have a sad all over again now.

If you want that retro “back in the day” overpriced memory feel pick up a Vita and shop Sony’s proprietary memory card for that system. As you see, those cards aren’t on sale...

If you want that retro “back in the day” overpriced memory feel pick up a Vita and shop Sony’s proprietary memory

The dreams of not going to a class the entire semester and then having to take a final never stop. I’m 15 years out and still get them regularly. It’s usually an English class. Since I have degrees in both computer science and mechanical engineering, I placed little value on the required English classes, that I often

I don’t know how they fly with these between their legs...

The VW “I’m Alive” light?

So much for the Monday headline, “KLITORISES LICKED BY DOLPHINS.”

I created an account simply to thank you. This is the best gaming article i have seen in my life.

I’m bookmarking this.Then i’m going to buy SC at full price.

More likely he goes home and sleeps from 12 - 7, and a few times a week he stays up till 3 AM.