
I take deep offense at that.

I only read the transcript but this sports thing is the only Trump interview I’ve seen that makes sense. I guess that finally pins him at about the level of average sports radio caller.

You know he eats his own shit, right?

Damn, and I missed the chance to watch it in 9k because they took his link down.

I would rather send the asshats off world.

You see a comment like this in every article that is critical of Trump in any way whatsoever.

To your first point:

Because we buy a ton of tech from China, dumbass. A trade war with China means our tech prices skyrocket.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

That wasn’t even the worst thing. There was a match where one fighter suffered an obvious knee injury in the first round and his corner sent him back out only for the knee to dislocate in the second round.

Thank God he didn’t dance after scoring a touch down.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

Athletes may not work as an athlete until they are 67, but a severe injury leading to disability can hinder their ability to work for the rest of their lives. That’s why the argument for the bill is complete and utter bullshit, and would ultimately cost the public huge sums of money (assuming Trump doesn’t dismantle

Trump Trash will love this bill. That’s why they want bills cutting off benefits for pro athletes in their home states of Wyoming and South Carolina.

Lol yeah, dude. Poor Lil Ted Cruz is the victim.

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

Meanwhile his voters are still eating it up. People see themselves as temporarity displaced millionaires. I’m so fucking dejected and defeated that, even still, most Republicans - voters and elected officials - are just going right along with it and telling us it’s great. The law literally says that your financial