
You realize people bough rock simulator? You may not play solitaire or hearts, but those are just card games, right? You could just BUY cards and be content that some algorithm isn't screwing you out of an ACTUAL simulated deck.

Technically sports simulation games are just spreadsheets and shooting games are the same

Thank you for teaching me how to comedy.

I am very sure that is a determination left up to the individual. It's hilarious because I grew up with people who were as blindly militant as this account pretends to be and it is consistent. There is a lot to see.

If it makes you uncomfortable, it may help to ask yourself what that may be the case. Or, go pray for

Satire is calling.

I have friends and former roommates who are gay, transgender, bi, lesbian and plain old heteronormative cisgender folk. I sometimes wonder about my sexuality, but only when others assert that I 'come across' as strongly bisexual or gay. Since I perceive sexuality as more fluid, I may have bisexual tendencies but I

It sort of stops being novel after a month or two and I have been doing it for years. I just enjoy it more — I get more fulfillment from dressing a female character and completing the journey just so. Also, female characters are usually much more ethnically diverse than their male counterparts, or at least it is

Me too, but I DID enjoy the difficulty scaling in it as well as the nifty moveset.

I am going to reimagine that this is the soundtrack to Street Fighter 2010 when I play it.

Whoa. Of all the games I never expected to make a resurgence, this is deep in the list. Do want. I've been hooked on female protagonists in adventure games since Rosella's Quest.

Oh. Oh God.

It's not even April 1st.

It's great to be alive.

That said, the Owen Wilson and Adam Wilson Batmans were great.

Didn't they use a similar printing for their LCD Handheld(s)?

Assassin's Creed didn't become a yearly release to 'serve the artist', unless you mean by hiring people who are artists and then paying them. Ubisoft doesn't release games in museums, they do it in game stores, with advertising, giveaways, t-shirts, paid DLC, season passes, hollywood-produced movies and comic books,

I wish I could overreact and make everything about me, too.

Tell me about it, all those whiny slits who help drive the games market requesting that consumer demand be met with basic concessions in supply which may have a net positive effect on sales and variety.

It's almost as if simple business could pay off! TYPICAL

Assassin's Creed is the work of many artists and a gigantic corporation whose best interest it is to serve the audience, which are the people buying the game. I will let you connect the dots on how it works when people who buy something don't get something they want. In this case, it is simply the consumer showing

A small part of me still laughs. Snatcher was quality. Memories like this keep my lonely nights on fire with passion.

From the nostalgia.


No no no, my boy(?), you mean the actual press.