
...I do. -_-

Supporting Black Friday is supporting the age-old pasttime of bloodsport. We exult in spectacles that, normally, we would need an MTV subscription or more youtube time to see. This way, we only have to show up at your local exploitative retailer the day after your traditional glut of murderous excess.

Hey, man, nice shot.

Same with Reddit, Gawker and every other place on the internet.

OP delivered.

Not sure, honestly. Probably an email. Thank God for smartphones or I don't think I would ever care about email anymore

On the waitlist I go. I want another copy of TLoU

Please, no. Terrible camera angles during boss fights, platforming that goes from insultingly simple to needlessly confusing due to drab assets. The best tool for traversal is the kinto un and it is so underused to the point of frustration. In fact, a lot of the game's best ideas aren't given the time they deserve.


LG wishes she were Amano-sensei

Take this time to play other Atlus titles — I have a shrink-wrapped copy of Catherine still sitting in my cubby. Unfortunately, PS+ keeps giving me awesome games to play, so it's been falling by the wayside along with my mid-stage PS3:FES save. I need to get cracking and I am sure you do as well.

Fear not, PS3s will only get cheaper.

What you say is strange to me because that implies that all the creators of these games start with a bias of 'maleness' as their norm — which wouldn't be unheard of if they are male and heteronormative. I actually agree with you, but I tend to believe it's more about the meme of what it means to make a videogame

It's true, she does that. There are people that believe that. Congratulations on having a good argument against a very problematic characterization, by her, on what it means to be an 'empowered' woman.

'People' dislike her because they are on the bandwagon and don't want to understand her perspective since she calls herself a 'feminist'. Men seem to regress to plain internet trolls and disparage anything she says even if they don't have a real, cogent argument to counter her that doesn't amount to 'because men are

B-but my bunduru!

This isn't the good ol' days. It's the time of subpar single player experiences when everyone knows that multiplayer is the centerpiece. Neither Battlefield or Call of Duty shine in these aspects — even though they still cost a good amount of money to put together. It's all slapdash storytelling, confusing objectives

Single player!?

It's a Call of Duty game, who the fuck cares?

You know why I like Dark Souls combat more than most? Some enemies will attempt to break your block instead of attacking into it for a parry and dead-angles (even though the way they are calculated is problematic). I just want combat to be challenging when it is the emphasis of gameplay. It's too soon to tell just how