
You know why I like Dark Souls combat more than most? Some enemies will attempt to break your block instead of attacking into it for a parry and dead-angles (even though the way they are calculated is problematic). I just want combat to be challenging when it is the emphasis of gameplay. It's too soon to tell just how


Date someone who enjoys games — seriously, it's such a relief to be understood and have something to compete in.

*paws at his Tactics Ogre Tarot cards* —checks amazon price—

I loved this piece except for one troubling thing — People who are sexually assaulted are, well, PEOPLE. They don't have to be defined simply in their relationship to a male in familial proximity. It's weird to see it printed so often as if this is the reason that men should join women in being against this.

There is a big difference between not having money and being 'poor' — that's not a class distinction. For me, being poor is being in debt, not being well-connected and having few expectations or prospects, but that isn't the same as a class distinction.

Is that all you got from this, really? It's not really a sob story — surely it's sort of a downer, but he didn't sit on his heels and cry about it instead of doing what he loves and working hard.

Yes, blame the victim.

I grew up with this art style in a much lower fidelity — I love it. It beats the headlong pursuit to photorealism by a mile.

I admit to scanning the article for first DocSeuess contact.

I am sure everyone's reaction to this will lead them to find a way to implement a change. Nothing much to see here. Then again my PSN name isn't DemonSpunk6969

Just an addition, I have been a PC gamer since my Tandy 2000HX. I agree that the PC is a better platform in some ways, but it's not the most convenient. It isn't the most friendly for friends who are over and it certainly isn't always the most portable or child-friendly (depending on the child). It fills a much-needed

and sometimes you cannot afford the 'customization' to squeeze performance without compromising overall fidelity of the pc experience. PC components ARE printed out like console systems, just piecemeal, which means you have to deal with all the underhanded low-spec refurbished and confusedly packaged bullshit. So,

You had me at 'nowhere near as bad'.

You say that like people haven't 'cheated' to get increased framerates on PC.

Do you remember the 90s? Close your eyes and reflect for a moment.

They are so needlessly complex, like sports games. There are not many titles that inspire the same kind of simple fervor that early sports titles like tecmo bowl or street fighter two.

The most complex I get nowadays is Smash Bros. and I don't even wave-dash or L-cancel (or whatever).

Yet unmistakably positioned over his crotch.

or you could give it away instead of being a douche.

Now playing

The guy giving the speech at the beginning gave me the weirdest flashback boner. I kept imagining this.