That's the impression I had as well, but it's just one of those things that is impossible for me to not notice.
That's the impression I had as well, but it's just one of those things that is impossible for me to not notice.
That's fine, it's just too much fun to point out. At the same time, it makes me realize just how much anime I have seen. Not that I don't agree with a lot of the statements. Berserk is brutal, violent and rarely matched in animation.
Anyone particularly committed to this '______is the most/mostest/mostesting _____ anime i've ever seen'?
I am already well informed about the differences between each system. The expansive PS1 library and upcoming Dragon's Crown are tipping the scales for me.
I have money burning in my pocket and a Vita or 3DS XL will be in my possession soon enough if this keeps up.
This is my preferred vain way of taking my seat. I show off my flexibility, flash the ladies a bit of crotch and never take my eyes off my enemy.
It is sublime.
You would think that the internet could make needing to live in New York or Cali kind of irrelevant.
God damn you, Kotaku.
I did some janitorial work — it's pretty thankless, but I felt more satisfied with my work than I did at many other jobs I have held.
You are drinking an entirely different kind of kool-aid.
That opening sentence; my sides.
This is the kind of quality that I would demand if I ever stopped getting regular sex and began to collect commemorative weaponry.
Does this seem to anyone else like EA is betting too strongly on the FPS market? There is only so much room at the table and Respawn will only put as many resources as M$ can pay for towards a title that doesn't allow them to get the most marketing and sales bang for their buck.
I always wondered why Metal Gear didn't fully cross the threshold to Rube Goldberg AI Trolling, because I would definitely play that game.
I would, but the prospect of grinding even a little bit for the cards, traveling to miniboss/boss spawns and refining, upgrading, etc....
I only played iRO from alpha to subscription model and rode that for a few years before moving on out of MMO country.
You just described the original iRO as 'sandbox'-like.
This reminds me of my brief stint writing for