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    Or umm...oh man this is tough... -.-'...or some sorta strap thingy? ah screw it ill take my chances.

    This is mind blowing! This one of the very few things that gets me excited, I must go see this display.

    By using proper shielding among other (dielectric) layers so theres no electromagnetic interference or contact. This isnt really a sensitive device to begin with and they can go with a zig-zag scheme if they wanted to transfer data over it, or even by tightly folding them; so theyre able to place the conducting wires

    So they essentially make a tight spiral of copper, aluminum, or whatever conductor, and add a layer of stretchable insulation (rubber wiring) on the outside. This isnt a new technique though.

    @chris robson @C3 @Daniel Vega: you all bring up good points, but failed to see the reference.

    good point and this one has 1550 ft. lbs.

    25 tons and only 435 ponies under the hood; needs more COWBELL!

    We have plenty of money for reconstructing roads and other much needed areas, but its being squandered to all the wrong places and people. A great place to start would be by cutting military spending and foreign military financing to 150 countries.


    OR you can buy a dirt cheap 100 pill bottle (200mg per pill) for 8 bucks and just take 200mg caffeine tablet and stay alert for 8 hours. Generally not a good idea to take more then 100mg in 4 hours.

    One important thing to note since this is a completely new architecture, these eight cores arent like traditional cores, theyre tightly coupled pairs inside modules ("similar" to a dual core) and they share certain resources (fetch and decode), which means theyre not completely independent. E.g., it has four L2 caches

    Fox to Netflix: There is always money... in... the banana stand!

    Be careful now, they provided non-lethal defense articles and services, as the article states. The article hints* the possibility since libya is an energy rich country and possibly sway the U.S. that way. There are no serious/concrete indications.

    smart move intel, proliferation through PCs, i can see this competing with usb, but i want intel to brand it as light peak.

    crap nvm, i answered my own question without realizing.

    Correction: 340.3m/s(object through a given fluid & International Standard Atmosphere)*2.2= 748.66 mph, so 748.66*20(mach speed)= 14973.2 mph, not 13000 what the source article says. Since the speed of sound increases as the temperature increases, the actual speed of an object traveling at Mach 1 will depend on the

    you could use a few other ones too, its interchangeable in this case. nice catch on "office" though, i skipped over that one. i guess they dont care about grammar.

    i may be wrong, but i think youre missing an "and" somewhere in the first sentence; ill let you figure it out.

    SO MUCH WIN! My head exploded!