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    My love for the murcielago has officially ended. This takes the 3rd place on my all time favorite cars list.

    this is a good death wish.

    Keep a bucket handy when it rains cuz i dont see the roof fitting in that trunk space.

    Well this definitely sheds a whole new light on Ferrari I never knew about. Ferrari needs to stop acting like an insecure high school girl and get over the fact that they cant always have everything go their way. They make awesome cars, some of which i can only dream of owning. If its fear of the competition then they

    FAIL... I want to point that the little girl didnt look both ways before crossing the street, she just rushed down. Children are taught to look both ways before crossing the street at school everyday, i remember this from when i was in grade school. The the person hitting her didnt do anything wrong, you cant avoid a

    I wish my grandparents were that cool, good stuff.

    Yeah you heard right, Giz is a technology blog about consumer electronics. No Im not new here, but you definitely are if you think otherwise. Sure they venture out sometimes and cover these types of stories, only god knows why, but its a tech blog. Which brings me to the point, they should stick to what they know

    A few concerns to address:

    Ah the classic troll comment, this coming from star, shame on you.

    Classy, fun, and powerful is the V12 Vantage Carbon Black

    Citroen GT sounds and looks evil.

    Excellent choice.

    The LSA V8, the HID headlights, brembo brakes, and better suspension. Now this is a bad ass camaro! I hope it still comes with the option for red/orange color halo headlights, they looked sick on the previous models.

    Very sloppy work using the sword and terrible with the bow. Is he a ninja or samurai because theyre not the same. Its hard not to laugh when theres a 12? year old girl singing, also the rainbow color sword handle lol.

    No paper money, took out the pieces, this is madness! Theyve taken the fun out of the game. I do however like that it automatically calculates debts, i wont have to use a pen/paper to figure out who owes who...

    what does the secret button do? is that to access your porn folder?

    This can not be reversed; our planet will inevitably be uninhabitable, but we still have 2-3 thousand years before that happens.

    If youre in a technical field/IT getting certs is the safe, cheap way to go. Youll learn and train with the most up to date concepts. Some employers will even hire you if you show them youre studying for a certification relevant to that job. It shows you have the most current knowledge/practice for that job. Im

    Why? Because ULTIMATE BURNOUT!