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    That roach is blazin!

    168k miles hmm... Brembo, Dinan, and BBS, awesome; I'll take it for 8k no more!

    "All this has happened before and will happen again."

    @LetsTryThisAgain: what's the deal with wacking off anyway? I tried it once, then i analyzed the mechanics, and deduced it was for people who couldnt get laid, and i continued wacking off the next day.

    what's the deal with wacking off anyway? I tried it once, then i analyzed the mechanics, and deduced it was for people who couldnt get laid, and i continued wacking off the next day.

    Heres the image of the institute.

    @KamWrex: hes happy now, but just wait until hes hungover tomorrow, watch out.

    @Joel Chapman: Ninja Gaiden series, not as good as Zelda, but its up there...

    im screwed, only have one number memorized... 867530naaaeeeine!

    Active camouflage or adaptive camouflage, retinal implants, light peak by intel, and all electric car: Tesla Roadster/Ultimate Aero EV.

    @m4ximusprim3: in other words, they have it right and this will succeed.

    of all places why new zealand?

    I have to agree, manufactures should synchronize hardware and software. Dell Streak shouldn't have been released with android 1.6! OS version shouldn't be more then 1 generation old, thats it. I'm pissed about the streak having 1.6, dont make me wait too long, wp7 is coming...

    My fist is good enough for ignorant people who try to use violence, but these cards are useful against coppers.

    Next logical step would be to integrate flash controllers in motherboards. There would be slots (like ram) to swap or add more. Or a PCIe-based SSD, I think OCZ might have already done this.

    Nah, its all about 666 and 420!

    I used Khan Academy for math cuz my professor was terrible at speaking English and explaining things. You cant go wrong with KA for any math subject, they explain each problem step by step and you can ask questions in the comments section.