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    I'm planning on getting an SSD cuz I have dual hdd and battery bays in my laptop. Or I might get a hybrid drive, but hybrids dont offer enough SSD memory. Anyone know if theres a 12GB or higher SSD memory capacity on a hybrid?

    $17,500 is pretty weak, I would have sued the shit out of this officer/police department. I don't have a problem with the cops, but these pigs who cross the line just piss me off.

    This study is done terribley, 15 people vs everyone else stating otherwise doesnt make this study very credible, and shouldnt have been posted, dont mean to knock on lifehacker.

    Another day another apple problem. Good thing Im an android user.

    Theyre going to unveil their new music store.

    @WilyFox: They use that emotional attachment you have towards a product and keep milking it to make make money. Its a psychological game my friend.

    @Ian Logsdon: you still didnt justify the high mark up with apple or any of these other companies charging up the ass.

    Kat, you might want to omit "festival" because its not a festival at all.

    Please make Monopoly and Risk, but damn its too freaking expensive!

    maybe its the 135w power brick they should have released with the original 360 and 360S.

    @cptn dsmvwl: way too many guesses, pick one from your list. i think its a trackpad.

    That was fucking EPIC, im putting this down in my to do list.

    Loved reading your posts, good luck on your project, we'll miss you!

    hmm... i should try this, but throw one of my 30lbs dumbbells in, oh yeah, im so doing that!

    Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask did it quite well. Most of these scenes are very similar to the ones found in both of the games.

    @RT100: Makes sense, make it simple for the average user. But what about people who are tech savvy, self-reliant, and resourceful? I cant stand this dumbing down concept, before you know it we'll be in a dystopia, slaves to technology. Whatever happened to a little bit of self-reliance. Maybe i'm just thinking way

    @daqman: Theyre saying it does 50mpg so i take it they will use a 6 gallon tank instead of the 12 gallon originally purposed.

    @aec007: Well when this is finally deployed, i dont think we'll have copper running through our hardware or we wont be restricted to electrical currents and old storage methods. Light Peak, what Intel is calling it, is ready, but the rest of the industry has to catch up before this can be utilized.