Where is the redguard in the gallery you mentioned? Also the ORC you cited looking like a high elf without eyeballs and exposed lower canid teeth. Not really comparable to the game.
Where is the redguard in the gallery you mentioned? Also the ORC you cited looking like a high elf without eyeballs and exposed lower canid teeth. Not really comparable to the game.
So....no redguard faces? I hate to be that guy, but thats the first thing I thought of when I saw this (followed by 'no argonian or khajit or orc faces...which lead to the 3rd thought that the animators may consider those groups 'less human/beautiful......which could maybe be argued for all but the redguard, but when…
WTF? Jenny McCarthy and Meghan McCain on the view? When did that show get sold to conservative lunatics?
You might be right!
Is THIS what Valve has been doing instead of making Half Life 3 and Portal 3 and Team Fortress 3 and Left 4 Dead 3?
Then they stopped questioning the US (or were never able to), they became our vassals. Congrats Anglophone World, you are the 51st state. Sorry everyone else, youre occupied territory.
Sure, because racism isnt an issue in America. Also, there is no such thing as nonwhite gamers, and even if their were, they would prefer to only see white faces in their games!
I was going to saw something and give my opinion, but the racist trolls have already hogged the comment section.
Want to help married people improve their sex lives? Ask them to create a time machine to go back in time and avoid getting married. If that doesnt work, file the divorce papers. There is a reason why single people are less likely to lie about how often they have sex (and whether they feel fulfilled in their sex…
There are a number of black people that believe the uptick in white dudebros use of the nword is a result of black people no longer 'taking matters into their own hands' when they hear some racist use the word.
Where do you work where that kind of speech is acceptable? Your coworker should be fired for sexual harassment. People have been fired for less.
Everyone is jumping on this guy, and that title was NOT a good way to go about it, but he was abso-fucking-lutley correct about the Anti-Obama push. Teabaggers and run o the mill GOP'ers are pissed that a 'sub human black' is in the whitehouse. You can see their language acrobatics trying to avoid the Nword when…
I know all the big cities vote blue, but even in the blue cities, they arent nearly as tolerant as pretend to be. I lived in Texas for 20 years. The homophobia, racism, and sexism are apparent even in the bluest parts of Houston, Dallas, Ft Worth, Austin, Corpus or San Antonio. Partially due to the fact that the…
Have another drink and maybe powder your nose a bit, Lindsay.
Good point.
1- Dick Cheney resides in Texas.
Thats sad. On one hand, because of the gerrymandering, its unlikely to. On the other, the only way to bring enough national scrutiny and pressure on the courts to end Texas's gerrymandering would be a massive outpouring of Texas's majority-minority demographic during an election year, only to lose.
By 2050, fox will have come up with so many euphemisms for 'black and brown people' that there will no longer be any descriptive nouns that dont refer to minorities.
Hopefully they are better than some of the Texas female Republikkans.
Well you guys are voting Democratic, at least. I think its more the rampant gerrymandering + the lack of voter turnout that continues to hurt Texas.