
Bill Cosby and Jason whitlock are not nearly the same age. Whitlock was raised a generation after Cosby. Hell, he was born after the Civil Rights act passed. That smooth jazz fantasy era that Cosby and other culture critics lament had ended 7 years before Whitlock was born (1967). Unless you are going

1- You probably arent black. Its the internet, and people pretend to be things to defend the indefensible all the time. You just created this account and have all of 2 comments under it. Doesnt help your claims.

I would buy that argument, but Hospitals and the medical profession have been all but given free passes from any kind of tort litigation from even the most egregious claims. Lobbyist from the AMA and big insurance have ensured that its practically impossible to win a lawsuit for any kind of fuckery by someone in the

Jason whitlock is HATED by every black person I know that is aware of who he is. He (like Don Lemon) has made a name for himself by being "the black guy on TV who tells white people their prejudices are valid".

Sorry, no idea.

To be honest, knowing who it is (the self titled 'voice of this millennial generation'), Id half expect it to be some sort of fake native american dance or a 'privileged hipsters totally not racist ode to black people twerking'.

Wa po has been moving further and further into the right wing. Its almost like they are moving with the Democratic party.

More of a "ha ha ha" straight faced, low clap, stressed laugh of disgust.

Definitely better. And sad that both are real 'things' in the Seattle healthcare profession.

Seattle is a funny place, hospital wise. Hospitals screw up and inject disinfectant into patients killing them, accidentally use unsterilized equipment resulting in a massive HIV/Hepititis scare, and pink slips are non-to-be issued.

The comments are really showing mainstream (white) feminisms problems with Intersectionality. People who dont see the problem with this are either in denial or are of the sterling/clivenbundy "Im not racist and Im white so me saying it means its true" category.

The rape and violence is based on a story in the book. A book about flawed, mostly bad people who do bad things. If you are going to make the argument that tv rape, even in shows about villians, needs to be done in a more palletable real life way, you might want to apply that to ALL the negative things in the story.

Because the show is BASED ON THE BOOKS. If you dont like it, dont watch it. Those of us who do are tired of the whining.

I think the hipster crowd will keep complaining about the show game of thrones without ever having read the books to know the things they are complaining about originate there.

People see the rampant offensive stereotypes and forget that Adam Sandler is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Republican supporter. I going to be the asshole who asks "why is the other baby black"?

Is it just me, or is post-30 rock Tina Fey waaaaaay sexier? She got her curves back, and actually looks younger than she did for the last 2 seasons of the show.

Whats funny is just how many different O Neils there were in all 3 of the Stargate shows.

If you keep making the rumors, eventually the game will come out and it will look like you were right.

1. Tied between the Jeffersons and All in the Family. The very best of entertainment and social commentary blended in.