Sorry, I concede. Im arguing with no less than 3 other people in the other thread(s). Im getting my responses mixed up. Your good.
...says the guy defending release of a player who has neither been shown to
You mean you read the stats I posted (part of them) yet ignored the ones pertinent to my point? Wow, thats a neat trick considering my entire comment was directed at a single point you missed and went around to cherrypick something else that opposes it.
Hey, werent you peddling defenses for racism over on Gawker?
The point I was making is that in holding him as disreputable purely on circumstantial evidence, there is a serious problem of hypocrisy and double standards for certain conduct and associations.
No way bro! Im agreeing with you. We should consider anything suspicious (and unproven) about any black person in America as a valuable implication of criminality. Even if we dont when whites do it. I mean theyre all guilty of something right? Not like 'normal folks' like the people in the OP's link.
So knowing bad people = grounds for termination? Thats pretty strict considering there are more than a few players with varying levels of evidence of sexual harassment and assault that are still playing.
The eagles are playing it safe, and cant really blame them. That being said, none of this actually shows he is a gang MEMBER, but rather has business dealings associated around gang culture. Which, crazy as it sounds, are very different things. Snoop dogg is involved in gang culture. He is not a gang member (maybe…
Black guy does x thing = definite implication of criminality
Was going to say this.
Its a BS red herring by right wingers looking to take down Colbert for mocking them. Theres a HUGE difference between Colbert making a point about how the Redskins is a dehumanizing racist name using an artificial other example of the same, and say, Gretchen Carlsen claiming Santa and Jesus are white and those dumb…
1- Ive never said anything antisemetic. Or advocated any genocide.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.
I am being cyber harassed by a psychopath under the handle of 'ironhead' because I called out his trolling and racist viewpoints aimed at African Americans.