Josh Boulton

But when they were making these systems what was the purpose in that? Surely it's much better for everyone if they're on the same wavelength (pardon the pun). And like you have Verizon on CDMA or whatever.

Why can you only use the 3G on AT&T? The telecoms industry in the US really needs to be brought up to date, I feel.

Please don't say I was the only one who read this as bacon?

So one of the largest and most connected cities in the world which has lots of young people and is technologically advanced, has a lot of tweeters? WOW.

I don't get you Gizmodo, half your posts are rumours about what Apple product is coming next, the other half are rumours about how the past rumours were false.

You just click it and bam, it's done. Isn't that awesome guys?

Yeah it definitely works. Though I'm not sure if that's just the brain putting 'extra resources' (you can tell I'm amazing at Biology, no?) towards finding it because it's so annoyed by the sound :P



Haha, I was planning on doing that but felt bad so rushed through Amazon this morning trying to find something vaguely interesting :/

I've just spent the last fifteen minutes making a ring tone from this. My ears are bleeding :( #rage

Not really, you can have an annoying friend or a child who'll put in loads of combinations and it's a hassle to put it all back, especially if you haven't backed up.

Multiple emails?

He's right, GMail just sucks with Mail. It looks really messy and doesn't work half the time.

Until I saw the $40 bit I was about to go and get this. Considering that the whole of lion costs $30 and that comes with a new Mail app, which looks awesome, I think it's best to wait.

Even if you sell it for $400 it's probably more expensive than the equivalent model now.

By flying you're much safer, regardless of the radiation. The alternative, travelling by land and then sea - are far more dangerous.

Oh rully? I meant compared to striking Washington DC or New York.

I know other dictators like Mao and Joe haven't minded killing tens of millions but they've always have a 'greater purpose' to it. I guess there's such respect/worship of him nobody would think twice about disobeying an order, either.

Medieval torture instruments ftw?