Josh Boulton

Being better than the Fantastic Four movies isn't that great of an achievement.

Still prefer waking up to Chris Evans on BBC Radio 2 ;)

You look back and wonder how we ever survived.

Remember the old days when if you pre-ordered you just got a pen with the title on it?

Magnetising your screwdriver is a better option, perhaps?

The most fun you can have by yourself in bed? You're doing it wrong...

Obviously only techie people can enable it in the first place, and as I said - by this time ever reaches the public it may look completely different to how it is now.

So because some people may be taking pictures and even fewer are spreading them, parents shouldn't let their children have camera phones? Let's just ban all the cars as well incase a drunk driver runs someone over. Stopping people from doing things doesn't solve the problem, you need to go deeper.

Ah didn't know about that. Doesn't look like it's available for mac right now though :(

If only they still were!

They just seem to go up vertically once they've taken off!

You have to enter about:flags in the omnibox for a list of new features to enable. Then restart. It's only Windows at the moment.

You're complaining about the doodles? Seriously?

Well then hover over the tab and you'll see the address. This is only the alpha/beta release of it - it's quite possible it'll have security features soon.

I rarely encounter a page which doesn't have free space horizontally, why can't they just put the tabs there at the at the side?

Yeah my dad's like that all the time - sending me links to websites which have been around for ages.

Depending on what the developer/web-designer labels the input field, you'll get different options. If they say it's a url input then it'll have the .com. If it's a number input it will have the keypad etc.

That's how I know if tech news is important or not - once my parents have heard about it I know it is :)

That depends on what you've mapped your mouse keys to do.