Josh Boulton

GEEZUS. They're amazing.

Or you just break the glass, drop the bottle and look really dumb.

Having second thoughts about buying them? I'm the opposite. Several iPads are having display issues and there are rumours that Apple aren't replacing them.

I chose Tali but was really disappointed so I went and did Miranda instead :)

I'm surprised it's not more. A bed is an incredibly comfortable place to read/use apps.

Rather than making the device fit the controls - why doesn't the industry take a good look at what the device can do and design new controls accordingly which use its features.

Surely that's the same for lots of signs, though?

You are indeed a complete pinecone.

We celebrate the death of him - not him almost destroying the government!

A realistic combat experience would see you walk around villages for the first 15 missions then have one small firefight using teamwork.

And who'd want to invade Scotland?

That's the problem with Chrome. For most extensions I like them and use them but not often enough to justify them sitting there the whole time. Shortcuts or putting them under the wrench would be a much better system.

Fruit Ninja and DoodleJump are two very popular games that were more expensive. Very few of the good games cost more that 59p on the App Store.

It's quite amusing - just a massive white area on the map.

That's a lot of time and effort for a system that's not any use.

I was looking at the android market games section - virtually all of them cost more than in the App Store.

I imagine with North Korea it's more about Google not knowing the names of streets etc. than not wanting to. And it wouldn't be of any use to North Koreans.

Yeah, some professional fonts are way over priced.

There are some LEGO games - my cousin got one for Christmas and none of us could work out what to do.