A legend rests... Toriyama is largely responsible to this day for the explosive spread of anime throughout the world.
A legend rests... Toriyama is largely responsible to this day for the explosive spread of anime throughout the world.
Two different questions: what fans would want, and what gamers today would want to see. You either go for one or for the other. Trying to find a middleground is a fool’s errand.
This court is a joke. They just made a mockery of themselves.
This awkward trying not to call this a demo but instead calling it a free to play game... is this Konami’s feeble attempt not to bring back memories of P.T.?
ROFL, man, I didn’t expect this many replies. I’ll have to reply to my own comment to address everyone, excuse me...
If we’re talking about the Pokemon Company in Japan, and Pocketpair being a Japanese developer, if the Pokemon Company finds reason to pursue a copyright violation lawsuit, it’s good to note that the only way Pocketpair is getting away with it is if they can prove there were no violations at all, not even reference,…
I’m painting a target against myself here with this critique, but whatever... I’ll just put my personal opinion here, sorry if I offend someone, it’s not the intention.
Much like several other things, such as Twitter/X, the press is part of the problem in this issue.
I guess that’s some exploring that Dora couldn’t predict...
Square Enix looks older fans in the eyes and moans: “Please kill me”
I’d be fine with a bland joke to go outside, because frankly, after such a feat he deserves to go outside anyways and take a breather. I’d also be fine with her saying something “as a mother”, though superficial shallow judgement on something not understood, from a mother isn’t always the best take to have. It doesn’t…
Well, seems appropriate for the way things are going in the US right now... they should also claim it’s gonna include some sort of AI thing in it, and then hire some politicians from the Republican party to sell it. The console version also has special algorithms that will enlarge your pp.
Stay tuned for the next episode of “Things that went wrong exactly how we said it would”!
An argument that I find curiously analogous to piracy, since they are also mentioning it.
Hmmm... I thought it was Kate Sith in English, and in Japanese it’d be Kaito Shifu or something. Hard enough with the standard engrish translation problems of the near past, if you are going to put etymological worries into the mix with folklore or myth origins, it’s only going to overcomplicate things further.
What a huge asshole.
yeesh, this sort of washing dirt laundry in public kinda tactic never ends well...
...and so, Sweeney and Epic reveals themselves as what I always thought they were. Where is all that bravado now?