
Ah, so now age related mild cognitive impairment is Havana Syndrome now?

Not to question the entire article, but the title simply does not make any sense according to statistics and just general reality.

Yeah, this is looking pretty great! xD

Hey Uber, don’t just threat leaving my country when specific legislation is passed for gig economy companies, ok? Just leave.

He (or rather his team) does this sort of stunt because he wants attention. At this point there is no real drawback from any sort of discourse he uses, because there are no consequences to it, and his base is already composed of the worst type of people.

Like many stories about security - the whole problem with key fobs is that it wasn’t designed with security (or privacy) in mind from the beginning - it was designed for convenience. Car makers for a long time never had, and several of them still don’t have security specialists on teams developing these things. Those

The truck you buy for your 5 seconds of fame on the Internet.

Asus has one major thing over Valve for me personally, which is being available to buy locally. In fact, no other portable gaming PC has this afaik. Important for stuff like warranty.

will be funded from cash that the company has on hand, available NFTs, wind-down cash proceeds, and any remaining assets.”

This is a problem that code in general as it is made today has. The only real thing that the whole ZX Utils fracas did was call attention once more that just because the code is open source, doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable to sabotage, bad coding, or unpredicted failure.

“learning what is best for PC players”

Not a Netflix subscriber, but just to share how things work here.

So... I don’t think it’s the bragging part that matters, but rather what most countries already have in law - solicitation, conspiracy and attempt to commit a crime. Also, incitement.

“There were measles outbreaks among unvaccinated people long before covid-19,”

Now playing

How weird... did the author of this article get that Future Proof video recommended to him recently or something like that? Because this entire article seems loaded with similar broad strokes generalizations... came up in my recommendation list for whatever reason like yesterday or something.

That’s just the wrong take to have with the case.

The only way to stop US citizen private data from being bought by countries like China, Russia and others is to stop the collection, period. Bills like those are not only ill informed and disingenuous, they’ll do nothing.

A legend rests... Toriyama is largely responsible to this day for the explosive spread of anime throughout the world.

Two different questions: what fans would want, and what gamers today would want to see. You either go for one or for the other. Trying to find a middleground is a fool’s errand.

As a long time Crunchyroll user and subscriber, just to register things - if Crunchyroll starts messing with AI for translation, I’m cancelling my subscription, period.