
Not a fanboy so I’m good with that.   Just tired of every article trying to slam Tesla

Are they less biased towards Tesla over there?  

I would rather hit pigeons or any other small animal in my car than having a car behind me hit me for stopping for them. I’ve been behind that person who stops for a squirrel trying to cross the road and damn near hit them when they stopped.  

One thing I see in my town, is a parking lane then a bike lane next to it. One solution is to eliminate the parking lane next to the bike lane. Most of the roads in my town are not designed to have a bike lane and parking lane. Yet they keep trying to put them in. Some of the roads even swap sides for parking lane so

Half the problem is we have too many of these safety things in our vehicles now that people just don’t pay attention.  They also make repairs more expensive.   Get rid of half of these and make people pay attention more.

He probably hasn’t had his court date for the pervious offenses. This a common occurrence here in Wisconsin.   A person get busted for OWI and has to wait for his court date.   Meanwhile he out driving again without a license and mostly drinking too.    There have been cases just like this.   Our laws are really bad

The town he is from is a pretty small town and out in the middle of nowhere, so public transportation doesn’t make since.   

I’ve never heard of that one.

Or make a product that people want, smaller, single or extend cab.   Not everyone needs a 4 door full size truck.  Or a 4 door smaller truck with not much of a bed.  I mainly use my 2005 Colorado for hauling the dog , towing the boat and hauling things in the back from Menards or Home Depot.

I’d leave her in jail overnight.

And without not snow or gravel.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find these road side memorials kind of creepy?   I get that a tragedy happened in that location, but putting things along side of the road where it happens is just odd to me.

Billings, Montana

I know quite a few people who will get together and make a road trip to pick up ammunition together.    So have 3 people in the car with a lot of ammunition is not surprising.    Most cases of shotgun shells are 10 boxes.    There are 25 shells to a box.   So if you pick up a couple of cases for shooting you got 500

You lose worker for the traders by convincing every kid in high school they need a 4 year degree to get anywhere in the world. They were doing that 30 years ago and are still doing it. Trade schools are good way to get a start on a career. I got an Associates Degree in Mechanical Design and had a good career designing

I would rather there be a ban on left turn/ straight lane at any intersection.    The left turn should always be it's own lane and put right turn and straight together.    So when the light turns green people who want to go straight can.

I don’t use cruise control either.   I guess it comes from not having vehicles not have it for half my driving life.   Every vehicle I had before 2005 never had it as standard and I just got used to not using it.

I don’t understand how Allison’s wreck didn’t make the list. It’s the reason they have restrictor plates now.

These types of have been happening at Daytona and Talladega since the late 70s and early. NASCAR has tried pretty much everything to help prevent these too. The cars are safer than they ever been. He walked away from the wreck. If you want to see some terrifying wrecks Google Rusty Wallace Talladega. He had a couple

It doesn’t mean that they still can’t do it, does it? If I read it correctly it would have required them to do it. But does it prevent them from doing it anyway?