What is her stage name? Asking for friend.
have mixed feelings about this. I loved the original not sure about it getting a reboot. But it does sound better then the last reboot idea of it being his daughter.
I would be way to tempted to go all SNL Connery on him.
I was at that race in Milwaukee. Aric was pissed they were pulling him from the car while he was winning. If I remember correctly I think Denny even got booed.
I actually drive my Focus ST during the winter month here in Wisconsin. I put on some Blizzaks and it handle snow just fine. I also have a 2WD Ranger that handles the snow fine too. I don’t know why everyone thinks that you need 4WD or AWD to drive in the snow.
Not sure if anyone else has said this, but maybe he wasn’t signed because he asking to for too much money. What team wants to pay a back for $9-$10 million? At least that is one report I found that he was asking and he also wants a chance to start.
Saw one a week ago or so that was Go Lions.
Saw one a week ago or so that was Go Lions.
You and me both. This will be first time in at least 30 years I won’t be watching the Daytona 500. I think I am going to avoid watching any NASCAR race this year.
I think she is the Stig.
Also works well on 2003 Ford Rangers
Now we know the real reason Carl retired.
I’ve been watching F1 for years and I think all these penalties are dumb. Let them race. If he is blocking you too bad, that’s part of racing. To me these kinds of things is making racing boring. I want to see the drivers fighting for position and out smarting the guy in front of him. Racing should be about man and…
Orange is a color you don’t see much anymore.
You should learn to drive stick in a 1983 Chevy C/K with a 4.1L I-6, 3 spd, no ps, no pb and the old school clutch. If you can drive that good, you can handle anything with a stick.