you magnificent bastard.
you magnificent bastard.
That's a Norwegian letter, the Swedish spelling would be Björn...
I am genuinely flabbergasted that Trapped in the Closet is a thing. I can't tell if it is next-level performance art or just attempted humour that looks like mushy-brained pop. Illustrative lyrics:
I'd rather have a love letter to the Normandy from ME1 tbh.
Employee: Hello, A-1 Landscaping, how can we help you?
House Bucharest
The Princess Boid
GUYS NAMED SCOTT. This is so true I made the villain of my damn book a Scott. Fuck you, Scotts. You know why.
Why does this look like a Skyrim mod to me?
Obligatory. Watch this instead. Jen Kwok's hilarious "Date An Asian."