
Hmmmm..... sounds a lot like another country that left Britain a few years ago....

Bernie has come out and said that he will vote for Hillary come November, to make sure we defeat Trump. You should listen to him, since you support him. (For the record, I have supported Bernie since day #1 and have made regular contributions to his campaign)

Oh man, last Christmas I had a SUPER early flight, so when we got to the airport there was only 1 security line open. The line was SO long. But the TSA agent was nice enough to let us all know that the next security line over was going to be opening up in 15 minutes. So we just stood over there and waiting, and were

I don’t watch SNL, so I only knew who Leslie Jones was from this movie. Definitely not as famous as McCarthy or Wiig

But airlines already DO ask you for your gender when booking tickets. So it would be easy enough to accommodate people with a check box saying “i am Haredi and need to sit next to a man”. By no means should they ask the other person to move though. If the airline is going to accommodate it, then it’s their

My husband and I are currently saving up to buy a house, but we aren’t going to do it until after the election, in case we need to use that money to move. Germany, Ireland and Canada are the top of our lists, due to work options(working for multi-national corporations does come in handy in times like these).

I really hope all the possible Black Presenters say no. I wish Chris Rock would change his mind and not do it too. People need to see exactly how white the Oscars are.

Chris Pratt also gets Chris Evans to come when he loses a bet, so I feel like that deserves a #2.

Jesus was a dirty hippie, obviously

Hermoine’s description was intentionally vague.... Rue was 100% described as being Black. I would have been outraged if they had made her white!

Yep. I’ve seen it for Michael Jordan too. Michael Jordan is a REAL person, Hermoine is a FICTIONAL character whose physical description was left intentionally vague.

If Idris was James Bond I might actually finally watch a James Bond film!

Unlike Emma Watson. Beautiful woman, who really takes a stand for Women, which is great..... but not a good actress.

that is just, her voice. Unless she fakes it for all her roles and interviews.

I cried SO HARD when he stayed, and Gretchen finally felt SOMETHING. Because, i know exactly how she felt.

I just got a new phone, and my husband texted me, so I obviously had to say “new phone, who dis”. We both laughed for a good 20 minutes about it.

Sam is amazing. They are awesome though, like showing how famous people really are when they aren’t putting on a persona for the camera

It’s an absolutely amazing show, probably one of the smartest on tv now, and yes, very funny. It just happens to deal with real fuckin shit.

I graduated with my masters degree with a total of $30k of debt, going to state schools and 1 1/2 years of community college.. I worked roughly 25-40 hours a week throughout school. Sometimes two jobs.

The deal with my father was always that he would continue to pay my cell phone bill until I got married. I am 31 and just got married 4 months ago, so I am just now paying my cell phone bill. I’m not even going off the family plan we have(because its a kick ass grandfathered plan that is super cheap and has unlimited