
I think an important thing to remember is that her grandparents did the right thing and pulled her out of the school. Instead of trying to force her to be someone she is not for the sake of God, they protected her and pulled her out of what is obviously a horrible eenvironment.

1) Nutty Bars

Unfortunately Yosemite is a fairly conservative, small backwater town.

Ours is Lupe. It's an Arrested Development reference because Lucille temporarily replaces Lupe, her maid, with a roomba. Also, it's extremely racist. And we are offensive. Sorry not sorry.

I used to work at a Pizza place that was always 2 for 1. So every order came with 2 pizzas. I don't know how many times someone would say they wanted half cheese and half pepperoni on one pizza, then I would ask what they wanted on the 2nd pizza and they would say half cheese and half pepperoni. I would then ask them

I worked at a Hobby Lobby in OK in 2007. I was full-time. I was paid about $7.50(back when the minimum wage was only like $5.25) and I was one of the highest paid employees. I had no benefits either.

Monday's are usually my worst dressed day because I always sleep like crap on Sunday nights(I got less than 4 hours sleep last night). So I end up staying in bed a really long time in the mornings, and then just throwing on some clothes to go to work.

I did read the books fairly recently. I thought they were ok. The beginning is a bit slow, so I think the 2nd book will be the most interesting movie. Like Hunger games, the last book just kinda falls apart.

A lot of this is explained in the last book. But yeah, Candor really serves no point except to try and keep people "honest".

When I saw it, when he took his shirt off all the ladies in the theater starting wooing.

As a fattie myself, thanks to non-fatties for standing up for the fatties.

I think it goes 1) Fuckin Polar bears on the island 2) Ethan not being on the manifest.

I lived in London for 4 months. I lost about 20 lbs without even trying(meaning I ate whatever the fuck I wanted to and drank ALL the time). I credit it to the fact that A)I walked EVERYWHERE and B) none of the crap that is in American food.

2005. I was 20. I was at either Oxford or Cambridge. I was drunk, and an American. So who knows really. I was spending my semester abroad in London and we were on a class trip and stopped there for the Holiday. Apparently if you drink 5 pints of Guinness you get a silly hat....So naturally we had to do that. Then we

"...undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection..."


  • Removing body hair

That is sooooo my boyfriend. It takes him like an hour to get ready in the morning, a good 35 of that is spent on the toilet. It only takes me like 20(I usually put on make-up once I get to work).

If they kill off Christina, I will probably just give up on the show. I mean, the number of people this show has killed off is just ridiculous. I understand why Sandra Oh wants to leave though, she feels that Christina has matured as much as she can on the show and her character needs to move on from the drama that is

I like Jo. But only in her relation to Alex. I think she's a good fit for him, better than Izzie ever was. I also really loved Heather and was so sad that she was the intern they killed off, when Leah or ANY of them would have been better.