
How to tell? The first rule of thumb I use is to ask “Did Trump say it?”. If the answer is yes then the odds are likely 95% shit since he may accidentally tell the truth without knowing it. Second rule is “Did a Trump appointee say it?” If the answer is yes then the odds are likely 80%+ shit since sometimes actual

Sounds as if it would be worth a try but I’d probably have to find a way to add noodles if only for old-time’s sake. My usual repertoire of soups pretty limited (although I do make a real killer veggie soup in my instant pot).

And when you go through all the many notification steps listed you get sued for months of harassment? After all, this is a possibly vengeful ex you’re talking about.

More importantly, should you drink chocolate syrup from a water bottle?

Alprazolam (Xanax) is probably better than either of those if your MD will accommodate your. I’ve done the Zolpidem tartrate way and Xanax is definitely better than that.

I learned during my days in the USAF that I was capable of sleeping in the back of an unheated cargo plane flying over the Arctic. Sleeping in an overcrowded passenger plane flying to Europe is far more difficult. My solution: a red-eye flight, high-attenuation foam earplugs and 1mg of Alprazolam. Works most every

If you are buying a kettle, try to get one with proper variable temperature control, a temperature display and a “hold” function, particularly if you intend to use it for making coffee. The widely-accepted temperature for pour-over and French-press coffee is in the 195-200F range and boiling water will over-extract.

I’m wondering just how much I should worry about my credit score at age 72 (yeah, old as dirt). I have no debt beyond a couple of “convenience” credit cards which are paid off every month. For a long time I have been chasing that elusive 800 score but always seem to fall a bit short. It was 793 just a minute ago if

My experience tells me that this is the only way for someone with “normal income” to get budgeting done right. I started doing this some years back although I had never heard the term sinking funds. I have money going automatically monthly into regular savings, a money market account, an “escrow” account for

Odd. I always use my air compressor.

There’s way more to “crack” (or craik) than meets the eye.

I might consider that but it certainly wouldn’t be in the glove box or center console. A better place would be in one of the “survival” dry boxes stashed in the rear -- probably in the one containing the first aid kit and survival blanket and utility tool and other necessities.

Yeah. I have a 2018 Touring 3.6R and the CVT is just fine — not a single complaint about its performance. In normal driving I wouldn’t be able to tell it from a “regular” automatic.

Do people really have a problem with this? I’ve been traveling rather extensively since 1966 and have yet to unintentionally leave anything behind. The last time I left anything in a hotel room it was intentional (a pair really nasty disreputable hiking boots left in a room’s bin in Cork because they were too smelly

Probably not a direct comparison but my ‘18 OB 3.6R Touring has had a single problem but it was, in my estimation at least, a major one: that damned head-end bug cropped up in my unit and Subaru was caught flat-footed with no replacements in stock so I had to put up with it for ten days or so. They fixed it as soon as

Yeah. The rice thing has always seemed to be based on clearly non-scientific ideas. If you want to try to dry out your phone at least do it right: buy some largish dessicant packs (Amazon sells them and they are cheap) and keep them in a hermetically sealed container (a plastic food container will work but a nice

Running schmunning. I’m 72 years old and have bone spurs that make my ankle x-rays look like a hedgehog. What do you expect? I did manage to a brisk walk every morning in April and covered 55.45 miles and I’ll settle for that.

Agree strongly. I was prepared for all manner of media-inspired transmission horrors when I bought my 2018 Ouback 3.6R and can say, after considerable use, that there is not a bloody thing wrong with Subaru’s implementation. It does what it needs to do and does it smoothly and quietly.

Since it seems to be impossible to obtain a Unimog in the US, that MTVR might make an interesting platform for an “expedition” motor home. Wonder how it would do on the highway, though.

How liquid is liquid? If it means “must have it in cash by this afternoon” then I guess I’d be a fail. If it means “must have it in my checking account day after tomorrow” then I’d be a pass since most of my static money that is not in investments is in an online bank that takes a bit of work to get at. Given my low