
And this is in Kettering.

Woah. I had the original Ultra Magnus as a kid. Was always disappointed by the way he (and most of the other Transformers) could barely move. But that thing? That's awesome.

Actually, I don't think I ever did. But if anything, you've given me a damn good excuse to play them again, so thanks :D

Loved that game. Played the hell out of it and it's sequel on the PSone. Way before Batman: Arkham Asylum, this was a game where you actually felt like you were the superhero in question. The fact it had a shitload of hidden items to collect, costumes and cheats to unlock just made it all the more fun. Wish Spidey

It depends. What're your prospects?

That was Midway.

You're absolutely right. They should have given the kids real, loaded guns to play with instead. Either that, or the dildos should have been locked securely in a cabinet. Damn irresponsible dildo owners, making responsible dildo owners look bad.

Used to work in a busy chain pub in Northern England, in the city of Carlisle.

Freeze it first.

This happened loads in Doctor Who and other productions in the UK, as props, costumes and scenery were often hired in. For example, there's a particular wooden staff used in the Doctor Who serial 'The Power of Kroll'. Later, it turned up in Star Wars as a Tusken Raider's gaffi stick. There's a hidden transmitter

Lazurus Pit?

I realise Kotaku is a video game blog, and that Super Mario Bros. is a movies based on a video game, but do you have to piss over Bob Hoskins' memory quite so quickly? There's literally dozens of movies and TV shows you could have picked. He won a BAFTA for 'Pennies From Heaven' for fucks sake. Watch 'The Long Good

There was definitely some good ideas and good performances from some of the cast, but they were few and far between, or just badly executed which killed the joke stone dead. Like the scene where they have to enter the building and one of them has an idea - they go in as Stormtroopers from Star Wars, get kicked out and

Hopefully, it'll be also unlike Ashen's Quest for the GameChid movie in that it'll actually be funny, and not a tedious load of old shit.

Not hugely surprised by that. I had a colleague on my university degree course who became an editor at a porn video production company. He got sick of the sight of it fairly quickly. And that guy LOVED his porn.

I must admit I missed that one. Will have to watch it again.

Like I said, it's hinted at obliquely. The corresponding episode of the TV series is written by Gorge R. R. Martin, so I'd say that was as good a confirmation we're going to get at this point. There's only one sexual escapade for Theon in A Dance of Dragons - at Winterfell, he's made to strip Jeyne Poole naked, and is

They did the same thing with Theon getting his dick cut off in the last series. In the book, it's hinted at. In the TV series, they pretty much slap you across the face with it.

Not being able to remap controls to my liking drives me crazy. I love Uncharted, but I hate being forced to use L1 & R1 to aim and shoot. I want to use L2 & R2 for that (particularly because my DS3 had trigger extenders that make the whole thing much mre comfortable). It's not even as if it couldn't be part of the

Easy. Imagine there's an analog stick growing out the back of your head and someone has to move it for you to be able to look in any direction. Which way do you move the stick for you to look up?