
Something I'm not clear on. Parts of this article mention skins disappearing due to VAC. Does being VAC banned stop you from being able to use SCM?

As for the nitpicking, allow me to nitpick the nitpicking — everyone had spare spheres on them, it was part of the plan. So there.


The increase in TF2 content on Kotaku recently greatly pleases me.

Surviving that fall without long-fall boots?

... What's underneath the face?

So how do these faces work? You just put them over the default face or can you remove the default face somehow?

Oh damn I completely forgot how much I missed the Halo announcer's voice.

I feel awful playing on hand-crafted maps. The idea that every tree was put there with intent makes me feel like crap for digging or cutting wood or anything.

Solid female character design.

God dammit, we were so close too.

Outside of Unity simply not working, this was my biggest disappointment this year:

Don't look at the nips

I don't know what to think.

She's the Goddess from Kid Icarus.

This is my duck.

For The Modders are good, and wise, and benevolent, and they shall make thine game much more interesting and cooler, if thou wouldst only get out of their way. Thou shalt respect The Modders. Better, thou shalt go out of the way to encourage The Modders, to develop games with them in mind, to work with them to let

I'm praying that the map being gone was the only thing removed, and we get actual weapons in the next few days.

Why not both?