

I can forgive this. Assassin's Creed II reuses Assassin's Creed's sword counter kills, but that doesn't stop it from being a great game.

Great thing about sticking around Pokemon for so long: You just kind of get this chart ingrained into your senses.

OK, maybe that's a bit dramatic, but this is pretty wild. As recounted in this Reddit thread and the above video from Super Smash Bros University, an unspeaking, un-eating, probably un-feeling masked individual who wrote his name on a scrap of paper as "Falcomaster3000" recently showed up to a local Super Smash Bros

Sounds like he gave up the title willingly.

I feel terrible for laughing at this, but that slap animation is amazing.

Yeah, it's dickish, but he still has the right to do so.

End of the Line is the name of the SFM video.

Just reading this makes it sound like he owns the subreddit. Obviously Reddit supercedes that, but he hasn't broken any rules that warrant losing ownership of it.

Well, it's his subreddit, he can do whatever he desires with it.

I just don't see how the thought process "Oh damn r/wow is down guess we should triple time it" would occur from this.

Ah yes, the Engineer vs Spy update.

My point is that using voice command, he barely got 3 kills in a minute and a half.

Do those look like skillful kills to you?

Considering what we have is like 3 kills over one and a half minutes against possibly some of the worst players I've ever seen in any game, should be pretty clear what any other gameplay would look like.

I tried Touhoumon for a bit, but between not being able to tell what type everyone was and the added types, I just kinda gave up.

I want to guess you stopped at Gen 2, with the Legendary Beasts?

Please don't be like Brink.

I snorted hard enough I think I roused someone in an opposing building.