I can't wait for this series to end...
I can't wait for this series to end...
Me sitting on the beach like
Great models, weak animation tho >__<
Yesss for the price, and the screen economy, its sooo worth it. And its sexy, and great to hold
This is the stupidest thing ever. The artist didnt take anything that made the characters recognizable... Patrick and spongebob each have the same hair... cept reversed!! where's his buck teeth or huge nose? Why doesnt squidard have a huge head.. the only thing this artist is good at is shading... character design is…
Ugh... i would totally watch this show...
already knew it was gonna be dope. The second it was announced, im like.... life is complete... still need to buy one tho :\
pokemon snap blows... now if the game was released on the 3ds as Augmented Reality game... then maybe i might get on that
i dont give a fuck who u are... lets get married
I want to be excited for this game, but if its anything like 2, it'll be trash...
I think it's kind of awesome... from a gameplay perspective. But when I play gta I play like a psycho homicial maniac... Its just obvious that this would happen, given the choice, and that's what this game is ultimately about... Its all fine, as long as it stays in the game...
I really thought u were Arya. Fantastic job. Also Arya is THE SHIETTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont think I want to watch this at all D:
Turles is my dude... ALWAYS pick him in budokai hahaha
you win...
Haha I'm the opposite. I started with GTA San Andraes and only played the 2player co-op and had the most fun I've ever had in a game,so when GTA4 came out, i was on multiplayer 24/7. Then gta5 multiplayer became so intense... its like you jack into the matrix only to do ur taxes, and manage small amounts of money..…
No civilians is what I hated most about the last game. Plus Gotham definitely does not feel very big. They always have a cool looking gotham in the background, but in Origins, the buildings were so lack luster and small. I also feel the city was so bright for gotham. There are lights every where! I think saving people…
I like anime a lot but I kinda hate all the Shonnen jump stuff... But i will say the first 2 shonnen jump games for DS were pretty darn fun...
god this guy is just made of hot air and empty promises
Good god... I still remember the hype that year had...