
Appreciate the debate, I respect your views. As for the "conspiracy side of things", that's everything. That's your motive. Just google Project Northwoods as a starter, it may open your eyes a bit as far as exactly what our govt is more then willing to do. That project was signed off and approved by every single

Collapse fully into its own footprint at practically free fall speed, a 50 story steel building? I'm sorry, it defies logic. Partial collapse? Sure? Part of the building falling over? Sure. Any manner of chaotic destruction of part of the building or even most of building, sure why not. But the way that building fell,

Stacy, again, we can do this all night and frankly I'm bored. I could show you that high rise fire in Madrid 10 years ago that makes the WTC7 fire look like a freaking sparkler. Yet no collapse. I could get into how its impossible for a simple office fire to melt steel (this is why these building don't collapse,

First, I see one floor on fire. Second, I can show you a dozen other pictures later in the day when fire is barely viable. And third, and most show me evidence of any steel building collapsing from fire. Because I could show you steel building that had fires 10x this, basically gutting everything,

I'm not sure what your point is, or how it proves anything. So they pulled the firemen out 3 hours before. So? Every news camera was trained on it? C'mon, there were hundreds of cameras, how many good shots do we have?

We can go back and forth all day with this. You say there were fires "raging for hours in the lower 6 floors", I've never seen any evidence of this. Where was the 500 feet of billowing black smoke that would surely be caused by such a huge raging know the kind that was so hot for so long that it could

Remember Oklahoma bombing? If you are too young, google pictures. Now THERE'S "structural damage" far worse then WTC7, yet no collapse, not even the threat of a collapse.

There have been planes that hit building before, yes, but I doubt to this effect. Keep in mind, in not arguing about the twin towers, just WTC 7. There are plenty of pictures of videos and pictures of that building in the hours, minutes before it collapsed. There was little to no fire/smoke, and while I'm sure there

I don't use the fire excuse, because there no significant fire in WTC7, you have to research just to FIND pictures of flames coming out of that building.

There are plenty of pics, there was neither significant damage to the building or raging fires for hours, certainly not to the extent that it would just collapse like a perfect demolition like that. You guys act like there haven't been all kinds of fires and such in similar type buildings through the years...yet never

Do you have any idea what it would take to make a 50 story steel building like WTC 7 collapse at free fall speed into its own footprint? I'm just saying, there's a reason its never happened before anywhere in the world ever in history, and never will again.

Yeah, thinking a superpower would engage in nefarious activities to push public opinion into war is just unheard of in the US and works history. You'd have to be nuts to believe that...nuts, and unread.