
Oh how I miss gawker

its not a question of PC, that word is seriously offensive to people with mentally challenged loved ones.

retard? What are you 12, or just from Alabama? Any parent with kids who saw what this kid was doing would have done what the Ram driver did, or applauded anyone who did.

Lets not forget to incinerate a few hundred thousand civilians to show the world who the new sheriff in town was...

excellent reporting

Wouldn't matter much, its just above golf in required athletic ability (besides hand/eye coordination)

I don't know who's more brainless, these women or the millions who watch them.

You're premise that wages have stagnated or declined while corporate profits, productivity, and CEO pay have scyrocketed being because of an increase in labor supply is idiotic on its face on multiple levels, both logically and statistically.

if men had babies there would be mandated law for 6 months of paid leave.

Man you sure did make something simple complicated. Pull up any chart of historical profits the last 30-40 years and superimpose it over worker wages during that time.

Excellent piece, historically spot on. Its no mystery what happened, production went through the roof, and the owners kept it all. The only mystery is why most Americans not only have accepted it, but applaud and champion the laws and policies and bullshit propaganda that's allowed it to come to pass.

You spelled "bullshit story" wrong.

Run along now, Limbaugh is coming on...need to get your daily brainwashing. fuckhead corporate puppets don't give a flying squirt of piss about starving brown people in your own country...yet you want us to believe you care about even browner people halfway around the world?

Yup, you sound like the kind of small dicked fuckwad that would volunteer for our military. Find a job on a local police force yet so you can continue to carry a gun and give yourself a false sense of importance and power?

Wow, did 47 people actually recommend this nonsense? Hey buddy, this isn't a military operation, its an American college campus of drunken kids letting off steam after a sporting event.

So are the police these days able to ever just take someone into custody without assaulting them first? I mean the dude was just standing there, and a freaking squat team rushed in like they were taking down a suicide bomber with his finger on the trigger. What ever happened to at least TRYING to arrest the person

I have this memory of an episode when I couldn't have been more then 5. All I remember was Snuffy was looking for his mom in like Hawaii or something. He and big bird were looking on some mountain, and they couldn't find her. Finally they left...and a few seconds later the whole mountain moves! The mountain was his

Because its part of the game, always has been. I love when fans from other sports look down their nose at hockey fights...and then spill their beer on their pants jumping out of their seats in excitement when there is a fight or bench clear in their favorite sport.

Guess I'm old, because I feel like telling Ellen to sit the fuck down and have some class. These awards are slightly bigger than her.