Bobby T.

This has got to be one of the coolest ideas in drinking games in a long time...

I'm definitely holding off a few days before doing any of this...

I was @ work...

Macintosh LC II


The only reason some areas are dark is because they had their brains eaten before they managed to Google it.


They're clearly politcally biast and unbalanced...

I do agree to the fact that he is is a bit of a quack, but he is due for credit on the San Francisco quake prediction. It was quite specific and it did pan out...

If I wanted to read about political opinions I would go to a political blog... I find it ironic that a site who's primary goal is to talk about electronics is actively choosing to alienate a good percentage of its readers to get in completely useless political jabs... And doing so in a blatantly unbalanced manner...

There was a seismologist who made a public prediction in that there would be a major earthquake in San Francisco during the 1989 World Series...

That is totally an alien device. I guess the argument about weather or not ancient aliens existed can finally be put to rest...

2 words: Alien Photographer

Some people really think WiFi can effect them negatively?

the term "conflict of interest" comes to mind...

Maybe he was fighting for the poor fishies... Perhaps one of his relatives was a fish...

This thing completely freaked me out... I had a hard time trying to relax even after it was indicated to be a hoax...

Man, I was totally going to buy a pair thinking they would be a couple hundred bucks at any quality shoe store... They'll go for thousands each, and they won't be replaceable once they wear out... :(

I just entered this code into my hotel safe and it didn't open...

What about all of the above?