Bobby T.

Can I keep this in my iRack???

These are all lies. Venus is a planet with an environment much like our own. A race of beings similar to us (though smaller) have been living and thriving on Venus for millennia. Technologically they a few decades ahead of us... A small craft with several members of their species on board crashed in Aztec, New

"to leave one's fortune in the hands of fate"

Being a long time Mortal Kombat fan, this ROCKS!

I have a box of these somewhere. I bought them to clean my old G3 iBook back in the day... They work pretty well...

@Donuthead: There's a lot of validity in the taste of the chili, but the 'taste' of spice in my mind isn't in the literal flavor of the capsaicin...

The spicyness IS flavor as far as I'm concerned... It ads a different definition to food...

Lost a couple months worth of hand written notes in a manner of seconds on my iPad.

Cataclysm expansion...

So "evaluating" is the new politically correct term for "closing"???

Ironically I seriously contemplated pre-ordering the game while reading this article...

Considering there isn't much hockey related content on Netflix I'm surprised its only a dollar off...

This may have been posted before but the real question is will it actually taste as good as the non-genetically engineered version, or will we have to sacrifice flavor for progress?

I'm still wondering if apple's patent on MagSafe is valid. While they were the first to use magnets on laptops, magnetic pull away cords have existed in kitchen appliances for many years now...

@bakana: You can drop "bit of a" from your first sentence...

If you dropped "a picture of" from the title of this post you guys would totally be investigated...

Hyperdimensional Physics at work...

this scares the hell out of me...

Glad there is an upgrade fee. I bought the pre merger version a week before the merger and announcement of new version coming...

While I really think the whole burning books thing is inherently evil, I really do hate these censorship rules.