Bobby Stanley

Many Trump supporters truly scare me. So much fear mongering, so much hate. And most of their comments sound like they are coming from under tin foil hats. Video of Trump doing something stupid? Yeah, well, this guy I know heard from a friend of a friend that he saw a meme that accurately reported about what an

I have a LOT of games on Steam. The ease of access on Steam is what caused me to stop pirating. That and summer sales. Now I would never go through the trouble (and risk) of cracking a game. But I might treat a DRM free game as a demo and play it. Does that mean I’ll buy it? Nope! But if I like it, I might, just to

And it’s only 300? Gotta love that slave labor, lol.

And it’s only 300? Gotta love that slave labor, lol.

Now who is levying personal insults?

Now who is levying personal insults?

Damn, man. Times have changed. When I was a kid, Halloween candy was free. You just went from house to house and people gave it to you. Now? It is expensive! You have to pay for it, with money! And then you don’t even get to eat it, because your wife wants to stand at the door and give it to snot nosed brats. What has

Damn, man. Times have changed. When I was a kid, Halloween candy was free. You just went from house to house and

Maybe you are being willfully obtuse? I doubt the authors of these entries are receiving those associate commissions, they are just doing their jobs. I didn’t attack the person’s integrity, but rather the policies that govern his actions. Hell, this article reads like minimum effort copy just to tick off a box. I

Maybe you are being willfully obtuse? I doubt the authors of these entries are receiving those associate

Could you point out the person insult? I didn’t say anything personal at all. I think it is more or less a quota of articles that point at Amazon, or they at least highlight every Amazon deal without checking to see IF it is a deal. In this case, I linked to the model he was comparing to and noted it was almost half

Could you point out the person insult? I didn’t say anything personal at all. I think it is more or less a quota of

Late reply to an old post, but I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t open the console to plug things in and what not. I have a USB extension cable that goes just to the outside of the console, and then plug things in there. I rarely, if ever, actually need to change it these days - but it is nice to have that small

Late reply to an old post, but I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t open the console to plug things in and what not.

First, sorry your phone derps out on you. That blows! Meanwhile, expect better battery life. Why? Because after you get used to having a BT headset, you’ll be less inclined to turn on that battery bully of a screen. When I’m cleaning around the house, I actually leave my phone plugged in on a counter. No need to have

First, sorry your phone derps out on you. That blows! Meanwhile, expect better battery life. Why? Because after you

Consider the dual 27's with the 23" touch in portrait mode?

Consider the dual 27's with the 23" touch in portrait mode?

27" is the right size (IMHO)

27" is the right size (IMHO)

Your words are succinct and correct. Thank you for that perspective.

I think Cambria is sans serif?

You had me until that last line, lol.

You make some good points.

This is crap.

Its been around since XP and is actually kind of implemented in the format system. NTFS supports a sort of versioning system and XP could access it.

Maybe cooling is easier higher up?

You can't envision the scenario where the power for that foil, which provides a considerable amount of lift, would be enough to power this new somewhat efficient laser?Or that the space opened up would be enough to store the laser and capacitors? Which, btw - should charge swiftly given the sudden power requirements