
You're traveling forward in time right now.

Are we talking about the same movie? Don't you mean "The Bay"? I thought "The Host" was some romance science fiction crap by Stephenie Meyer...

No Justice Sotomayor costume?

Sad but true. I suffered through it last night, my wife fell asleep, and I told her this morning that she doesn't need to finish it - it was crap. Somehow, though, it made good box office so the studio greenlit a sequel....

Bitchen was a term commonly used in the 80s; these are all pretty much from the 80s.

Can one call a single movie a "franchise"? Yes, I know sequels have been announced, but still - "Now You See Me" has a sequel in the works, but I wouldn't call that a franchise either...

And grew a penis too, apparently.

Young Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart was indeed quite the looker. He also had a great voice.

That's some Kenyan Muslim architecture right there, that's for sure!

Last lime I checked, Star Trek cosplay was considered sci-fi.

Indeed. In 12013, everyone will be required to dress as Ziftar, Conqueror of Terra on Halloween and few will remember Ren and Stimpy.

Was hoping to find the Cygnus and the Palomino from "The Black Hole" - not there, or did I miss 'em?

Can we add "A Boy and his Dog" to the list? The underground society, the "civilized" remains of humanity, are pretty monstrous. Also, Vic's only goal in live is to rape women, and he's supposed to be the "hero".

I like to call that "Tuesday".

Wait, didn't "Vice City Stories" and "Liberty City Stories" both come out AFTER "San Andreas" and were the same generation?


But you're measuring Everest from sea level. By that logic, this volcano is negative height. You should be comparing Everest from its base to its peak for an accurate comparison.

Seeing as he's the twelfth doctor and there are 12 regenerations, he still has one to go. Maybe it's John Hurt, maybe it's someone else, but no matter how you cut it, Capaldi is only the second-to-last regeneration. It'll be the 11th regeneration that brings him on the scene.


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Somehow, I don't think a shortage of sandwiches is his problem.