
You could put films such as "Hackers" and "Antitrust" into the mad software developer" category - spawned from a late 90s early 2000s fear of the internet.

@Captain_Midnight: Except Iron Sky's actually coming out - it has a legit cast and was being promoted at Cannes this year as a model of indie financing...

I'd like to see John Rhys Meyers as an obsessive-compulsive demon...

I don't know how kosher that plot sounds....

@Possums: Ron Jeremy DID star in San Fernando Jones and the Temple of Poon"....

@RizzRustbolt: I have it on Laserdisc, because everything's better on a Laserdisc!

@Burke: I think they're Timothy Leary's glasses - Warhol's would just make you see 4 Arties in different colors!

To all the people saying, "...But Ripley can't be in a prequel!" and "She's no Ripley!" - the headline just means that she'll play someone in the VEIN of the Ripley character. It's like saying a director is the "new Speilberg" - they're not literally bodysnatching Steven and taking his place. Think outside the box,

@gigshaft: Only room for one gig[antic] shaft in your world?

@entropymaker: John's right - the first 100 or so pages are slow, but then a group heads out on a great mission (can't say more without spoiling) and the story just cooks along after that!

@Lassus: Who, Chiwetel Ejiofor?

I liked this film when it was "The Quiet Earth".

@Skarl: That's no moon...

I read that as strap on your Avatar goggles and thought, "Crap - Hollywood's insisting all books be 3-D now too?"