
A winding road nevertheless reaches it's destination.

Porcelain does the trick. Commonly referred to as "ninja rocks".

I'm from a few counties over, and driving by that facility as a kid always left me with a sense of awe. I'm glad it's not going anywhere.

As another local resident and familiar with the case, I totally agree. This kid personifies anti social personality disorder. Nobody here's mentioned the attempted jail break out of juvenile hall, either. Good on Marin juries and the judge throughout this case for seeing him for what he is.

While I'm a fan of the Jeweled Sun Worshipers and leary of Janky Shaft Workers, it's a Jetta Sportwagen.

I'm a little jealous, as my JSW didn't come with these! But a great idea, which I'll be making forthwith.

Yeah, I was a little confused at first too. My daughter is four, it's been a while since she first started eating solids. But good advice, since we're adopting a newborn this week.

I haven't read the article, but I do have a kid. Since this is when we're introducing solid foods, the baby is still drinking milk/formula for nutrition.

This is auspicious, indeed. I was looking for something to fill the sci-fi gap and found Ancillary Justice on the io9 year's end "best-of" list.. and just finished reading it today. It was excellent. It scratched an itch left after devouring the Culture novels and realizing there'll be no more to follow.

I couldn't agree more, and I'm the one using the technology. If I didn't mention it in my response to the original question, my little suburban city averages one stolen vehicle a day. Outrageous in a 22 square mile city of 57000 individuals!

Absolutely, and this is common place - called cold-plating.

Good grief.

Right answer, but wrong reason. Those cars would have been terrible because of the styling because we can't see out of them. Add a cage and a computer mount and visibility really goes to crap. Expect to see more Explorers and fewer Tauruses (Tauri?) for this very reason.

Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR) technology and its refinement is and will be the biggest boon to law enforcement in the near future.

And who's to say that's what even happened? This guy strikes me as bipolar manic.

Let's not forget, all the discussion aside, that photo makes me hard.

Literally took my breath away.

A far cry from "hunt you down with guns if you don't show up, no matter how minor the offense".

A good question! California law is pretty clear about the signature, in that it's required to acknowledge receipt of the citation. It is, in fact, a crime to write anything other than your signature - which is very loosely defined. For instance, I'll settle for an "X", but "F you, pig" would earn a new violation.