
Wait New Hampshire is a state?

Hi, after VW shells out a boatload of cash for a TDI buyback, would this be a good purchase for a 50 mile daily commute? Asking for a friend.

Isn’t that the truth? How selfish, worrying about a digital legacy that everyone will forget five minutes after the 10pm news piece airs.

+1 pH

That’s like.. Vehicular Inception.

Sorry, épée is awesome. It’s the only discipline that rewards an actual, honest to god parry. Oh you want a point? Well you better not get touched, so parry that shit. The blades are thick and have substance, unlike that weak ass foil. Ah-hah, I whipped this flimsy antenna around to your shoulder, it’s gold for me!

This deserves more recognition.

This.. this is the song of my people. I can relate, in a way, as I patiently wait for VW to decide the fate of my daily drive, a TDI Sportwagen. Meanwhile my Evo IX sits, needing some adjustments to its tune, the intoxicating perfume of E85 reaching my nose each time I walk by.

Did... Did your kids die in your nest, too?

Davis! I knew I had close access to Sears Point from Vacaville, now I can add another venue whose schedule I can peruse.. And still probably not go. But I can dream, right?

This is both funny and painful.

Shut your mouth, Optimus Prime’s death was a defining moment of my childhood!!

VW circumventing regulators? VW IN F1 CONFIRMED!!

This is what I scrolled down to see. Thank you for taking the burden from my shoulders, I am relieved.

We’ve been talking about this design language for a few weeks, and honestly, this is the NASA I remember; but it suddenly dawned on me why I remember it: this was the design used in “Flight if the Navigator”.

I was driving behind one last Thursday and first thought, “woah that’s a big Passat.”

I’m curious how they account for that (full disclosure, I didn’t do much more than look at the map), but the location of the blue hydro circles in CA are right where they have the hydroelectric dams all up an down the Sierra Nevadas.

You, me, and probably a lot of other people, too.

For about two minutes, I seriously thought this was the point of the article. Needless to say, I was confused. Can you take me higher, Rocky Balboa?