
Sad to see it go. It's been a pretty enjoyable show.

Dutch guy here, yup our crime rates are pretty low even though we have our fair share of immigrants/refugees. Goldberg insinuates that we actually have high crime rates, but that those are suppressed by the press (which they aren't). Mostly our low crime rates stem from evil socialist stuff like providing affordable

This article may as well be called ‘how each of us is a pedant who withholds joy from themselves based on nothing.’

Exactly. Being drunk wouldn’t magically turn someone into a racist, but when a racist gets drunk - that’s usually when you find out how they *really* feel.

“There will be no funeral, no repast, everyone get the hell out of my church” MY. CHURCH. This strike anyone else as hugely fucked up? 

Only accepting this if Chess and Checkers are considered sports

Can we PLEASE.......STOP. CALLING. PLAYING. VIDEO. GAMES........ “Sports”

Oh if only our PMs had to be that qualified....

Actually, the “pea shooter” is incredible if you have a macro set to push it continuously. :D

Reading comments, it seems that the commentariat has unspoken disdain for the chimp’s sturdy lower back.

With a pouch situation the breasts would be in the pouch. Like marsupials

Alice was on The One Show the other night and revealed that Pouch Baby would need to be carried for 18 months.

The memories he suppressed are Fahrouk’s manipulations. I really am not trying to defend David’s actions, but I’ve been saying since Future Syd appeared that her telling him to help Fahrouk was a tar-chick inception. The entire season has been hitting us over the head with the fact that people can be made to believe

This. The SK manipulated Syd, and then he manipulated David against himself so that he was almost completely hating himself, and believing he was delusional and didn’t really deserve love like any other person. I fully believe that ‘all this already happened’ and future Syd has lived this timeline, so the only reason

I think you’re jumping to a conclusion on the sexual assault. The mouse told Syd something.

You can play Skyrim on your TI-84

If only we could understand what they’re saying...

Great, that means I’m one step closer to be able to sit with a friend and play chess like this:

Considering Bruce said last week that he’s done playing Ash from now on, I wouldn’t listen too heavily to those whispers.

It’s like he’s caught up in some kind of, I don’t know, speed force.