
As a long time Kinja user, I’m going to enjoy this comment section immensely.

Welcome! You’ll hate it here.

I just stared a comment, I feel dirty, someone please down vote me

I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.

But for realsies - the Kinjapocalypse is only half the story.

Wait... Elite has a NES port?!

I like it, but I wish he’d done more to match the style of the original console. ie, the nes should use it’s limited color pallette, the n64 one should be far more polygonal and pointy, the snes one should appear to be rendered by mode 7.

Where’s the Nintendo Game & Watch?

Wonder how this console gets rendered

It might be bias. Every Trump supporting racist in my family is female. But Racist-Aunt doesn’t have the same ring to it.

A purse is a bag that is tied at the top, the closed bag top pulled together and appearing pursed. It was the common form of carrying items into the 20th century.

Exactly what I was going to say. We’re so worried about labels that we are trying to force a label? This is like a snake eating its tail. Why not just call it whatever you want to? For that matter, I’m not sure anyone under 40 calls anything a purse anymore.

call your bag a bag.

Isn’t calling it a purse gendering it as much as calling it a man-bag? Just call them all bags (the gender neutral term) and be done with it.

Your daily reminder that the emulator is fine. It’s including the ROM files with it that’s a big no-no (and putting it into a commercially sold arcade cabinet is asking for trouble, obviously).

Will it pass the butter?

Will it pass the butter?

To how it was before the ACA? Fuck that noise, and fuck off for drinking the fox news kool aid thinking that it’s a good idea.

Smoking hot take, snowflake. It’s as if you know nothing about which you’re speaking.

Fuck you

Namco probably doesn’t want to pay the licensing fees.