Like that History Channel mockumentary a few years ago?
Like that History Channel mockumentary a few years ago?
Slightly surprised & very happy to say the episode streams ok in the UK.
It’s been awhile since I read Legionnaires so I can’t remember what XS was like, but you might say the tv series version can’t help acting on Impulse.
Hhmm... It’s ok, but I prefer the old Flash game Compromise were you’re playing two games of Tetris with the same controls at once, so it’s really hard/nearly impossible, but any mistakes or misplaced pieces are ultimately your own fault, not because the machine has randomly placed a block in the way. http://www.retro…
Which is why they should distribute their stuff as MOD, XM, etc tracker files not mp3. Sure it won’t play on an mp3 player, but at least the files’ll be the right size for a floppy :)
Which is why they use mod & xm tracker files not mp3.
It’s not that obvious from the picture, but they say in the program (around 1hr 15min) that this new body has colour changing cells taken from frogs & could change its skin colour depending on local conditions, so it’d be white in the middle of winter in the UK to allow the maximum light through for making vitamin D,…
I watched the programm & they added colour changing cells from frogs, so this new body can change skin colour quickly depending on local conditions. So if it’s a grey overcast day in northern europe, scandinavia, etc & you need the skin to let as much light through as possible to make vitamin D this body would be…
I think people are trying to port Infocom’s Z-machine to Alexa so you can play games like Zork & Leather Goddesses of Phobos, but aren’t quite there yet. https://www.amazon.com/Vitaly-Lishchenko-Interactive-Fiction/dp/B01IVEANGM
Crossing my fingers there’ll be a major breakthrough with Skylon sometime soon & it’ll actually become a usable engine/spaceplane technology, because we need it atm & it’s long overdue.
Because unless they signed deals with every publisher/company that bought the old publisher’s ip &/or author/dev team if the rights have reverted back to them they’d probably get sued? A site like that promoting a high profile big budget film without getting permission from or & paying the right people would be asking…
I wouldn’t be surprised if her character was a combination of Bart & XS but transposed to the 21st century as their daughter instead of the 30th as their granddaughter. I mean the show is fairly loose about stealing & re-using ideas from the comics, so there’s no reason to think they’re stick with her proper…
Typing of the Dead? Yeah, it was real & it was great. Had it on the Dreamcast & had two Dreamcast keyboards for two player. There was an arcade version as well, but I don’t know if it made it out of Japan.
Well it’s a first level party so you’ll be playing a tiny 1hd Tarrasque without its special abilities & with massively lower damage on its natural attacks, so your friend just has to wait a couple of play sessions before you get killed by a gang of angry Kobolds with spears & bows, the Tarrasque is spare again & its…
The smacked bottom line was a reference to something he said to his granddaughter in Dalek Invasion of Earth. Of course it’s incredibly dated & saying it to Bill was completely inappropriate, but I liked her reaction.
The User https://kinja.com/barackaobama in the comments on this post is a troll. If you attempt to talk to it or challenge it & don’t give the correct response it will dismiss you, so I wouldn’t bother.
It’s a troll. I wouldn’t bother talking to it because it’ll just dismisses you if it doesn’t get the right response or you challenge it.