I assume you’re trolling, but if so you should probably true harder, because you’re not that good at it...
I assume you’re trolling, but if so you should probably true harder, because you’re not that good at it...
Correct. The proper spelling is Doctrix.
There’s also a really impressive Atari 2600 remake of the old Namco game Bosconian called Draconian coming out. Technically impressive for the humble 2600 & it plays well.
It ok. Not terrible, but definitely not great so far. I know it’s its own thing & isn’t trying to be Black Mirror, so it’s unfair to compare them, but I’m not enjoying it as much as the first series of Black Mirror. I’d give it a 6.5 to a 7 atm. (mainly cause I liked episode 3)
I know they’re only fan films, but have you watched Star Trek Continues?
Never mind all the people grazed & nicked by the Chainsaw Vigilante in his, almost but not completely, bloodless rampage through the superhero community. I mean he scratched some of the Civic-Minded Five Really badly. Some of those cuts will have taken weeks to heal & I don’t even want to think how many plasters…
It was a different & very early version of the character, so there’s no reason to think he has the same back story in the new Amazon series, but he breaks out of an asylum on page one of issue #1 of the original comic series. Edlund never went into why he there or how, in a universe of mainly useless superheroes with…
I know the rest of the game’s different, but that section on the tower at the start of the video looks quite a lot like Nebulus (C64, Spectrum 1987)/Tower Toppler/Castelian (Nes 1991)
There was a Nes version of Hard Drivin’? [wanders off to look it up]
Yes. Pal only in 1991 & you can legally download the rom from Ian Bell’s website if you want to try it. (there’s an NTSC version available but he says they couldn’t find anyone to publish it in the US) http://www.elitehomepage.org/game.htm
2.5D because it’s wire-frame? So was BattleZone 2.5d (arcade & home versions, plus the US Army Bradley Trainer version) because it used wire-frame (without hidden line removal)?
Elite? Released on the NES in 1991 two years before Starfox & without any extra chips on the cartridge to handle the 3d.
Elite managed it, but I think they might’ve cheated a bit to get it to run at a decent speed.
It was a good game, but that’s just fixed angle isometric & the 16k Zx81 or Dragon 32 can do that. (maybe only in black & white but apart from the number of colours it’s basically the same) The graphics here look like they’re supposed to be filled vectors, which’d be hard for the nes, but you might be able to simulate…
Well there was Elite, but I think that was only released in Pal regions fairly late on & used tiles to simulate vectors because the Nes wasn’t up to proper 3D. So yes, I agree. The Nes graphic should be in 2D.
I’ve been playing The Magic Circle recently & this story reminded me of it. No major spoilers, but are we sure Kaizen didn’t just look at the game he was living in & decide to re-write it to get an ending he liked?
You forgot about Samurai Spirits/Showdown Rpg. I’ve never managed to play it, ‘cause I don’t think there was a reasonable English translation last time I looked at NeoGeo stuff, but I’ve always been curious about it & would like to try it.
One or two 32-64 colour animated, but mostly 4-8 colour b/w comic scans with a transparency (If you were lucky white,grey & black with a transparent colour, but sometimes that looked bad so you had to use more shades of grey). I always tried to make the files as small as possible for the same visible image quality so…
I was using dial up in ‘96/97 & created & edited a few GIF’s on the Amiga 1200 for a Geocities site after a friend taught me how to use the software & I’ve NEVER heard anyone in real life pronounce it as jif, so as far as I’m concerned it’s a regional thing & that being said if you lot can pronounce herbs & several…