Coral Cache link:[] []
Coral Cache link:[] []
Coral Cache link:[] []
Don't remember exactly why it's blocked but you can use coral cache: []
I might have left a stray space at the end of the [a href=""] address.
It works on coral cache: []
Well Constantine was created by Alan Moore & several of the writers on his book have been British/European, (Jamie Delano, Garth Ennis, Paul Jenkins, Warren Ellis, Mike Carey & Peter Milligan) so um, he's published by dc but I'm claiming him for Europe. :)
She had pants in Justice Riders...
Aw heck. You beat me to it while I was finding the right part of the episode to check I'd remembered it properly. Fairly sure it was the same on the tape copy (from the original 1978-80 broadcast) I had at school as well.
What about Scotty being trapped in the pattern buffer? (Relics)
Oh great. The harrowing of the north all over again... #offtopic
Wasn't Morrison working on something like that?
But how are they if we ignore Watchmen and treat, say, the Nite Owl mini as a stand alone (Charlton, Dan Garrettt/Ted Kord) Blue Beetle elseworlds mini-series? (Doctor Manhattan = Captain Atom, etc. I'm only buying those two (because I like JMS) and won't be reading them till they're done) Pretend (for the moment)…
I'm enjoying a few of the new books, but Dial H is definitely one of my favourites so far. I hope the sales stay at a decent level and it has a nice long run, (I wonder how far ahead he's plotted?) 50 or 60 issues would be good. To begin with.
BBC3. I heard it was down to budget cuts for original programming partly due to the license fee freeze. Possibly why BBC4 dropped Dirk Gently as well. (which I might have had a few issues with (hung up on the books) but it had potential and it would have been nice to see where they might have gone with it. Shouldn't…
BBC America is part of BBC Worldwide, a commercial profit making subsidiary of the bbc and is not funded by the license fee. In fact it pays back into the corporation. []
Are the sizes on [] right?
I was looking for something else (seeing if there had been anymore like the old Spectrum/various bits of hardware version or stuff definitely made on real hardware (Sid/ay, etc... (maybe with the files for the right player)) and stumbled on the fact he seems to have done OK Computer as well: [via Reddit]