
Oh that’s sad that you can’t be proud of your country. You should try living in Latvia where I’m from. I’d love to live in Australia :(

I have my practising licence but man it shits me to tears when people speak legalese on gawker blogs. It’s beyond pretentious.

She probably did do it, I’ve done that. Is it that hard to believe?

Eh I’m fat and a non-beautiful and in a happy relationship with someone. I don’t get your point. She’s not saying they only want to fuck her.

It’s something I’ve actually done. Just to a non-famous person. So I can’t judge, I think it’s hilarious.

Also she seems like a mega bitch.

Lays already have tzatziki chips and they’re really common in Europe for a bunch of brands. They’re incredible!

But they bring home guys every time they go away, that’s the fun part. It comes with the territory. Like when LuAnn fucked that Johnny Depp pirate on St Barths.

I couldn’t stand LuAnn for pretty much all seasons until the last few. I love single LuAnn!

Not even video evidence? I don’t mean to reply to so many of your posts but each response of yours I’m reading is clutching at more and more straws. Logic is not strong with you.

You’re kind of ignorant in that respect. So many murder cases have been solved decades later because of advances in DNA technology. According to you, none of those people should be in prison.

If that’s so then why doesn’t it apply to all kinds of charges?

So why don’t you get a real job then?

Oh come on, she already knew about the statute of limitations having run out. She also didn’t give a fuck when Polanski had been found GUILTY and absconded. So it’s got nothing to do with her wanting to save judgment for the courts.

I don’t know, I don’t like the band but I kinda liked their version of Torn.

This is a very thoughtful response, thank you.

You should probably try birth control.

Sarah Snook was UNBELIEVABLE in that film. I was just mesmerised by her the entire time and I couldn’t help but think she could be the next Cate Blanchett. I think she has that range.

Beautiful? The girl is ugly as sin.

Really lame joke, I don’t mind distasteful jokes if they’re actually funny but you just come across as a pig.