
You sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist. You can’t just hush that kind of stuff up. There would be some evidence of it somewhere other than a grey comment on Jezebel.

Am I missing something? Nothing happens in the video...

The picture of Christian from three months ago is heartbreaking, he was a shadow of himself. Fuck cancer.

It does not make her look wide, you’re a fucking idiot with impossible standards.

I don't get why you keep citing the fact that he's dated Zoe Kravitz as an example of him being an "everyman". She's just another daughter of a celebrity.

She's actually from New Zealand but yeah I assume same legal drinking age.

I'd be the first to laugh if the "joke" were actually funny. Try harder.

Wow you're pretty thick, aren't you?

Man how predictable

He basically just looks like a Tyson Beckford clone.

Enough with the memes already, people. It's so childish and inappropriate for such a serious topic.

Yeah I think you've got some wires crossed. That absolutely never happened here. There was a story a few years ago that the film classification board had banned a film which depicted female ejaculation but that turned out to be completely unfounded.

I just twitter searched John Poppre and nothing came up...

So... you never actually saw pitbull? And the guy they were staying with was not in fact pitbull but some other dude? And three 15 year olds were just running around Miami for months on end without their parents caring? I think it's safe to say they were yanking your chain.

He just passed away. RIP Phil Hughes.

Yeah you're...kind of embarrassing yourself at this point.

The Angelina one was the worst imo. Couldn't tell it was her.

The Mindy Kaling one was great. No one ever takes her off.

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Ah I found a youtube clip from 6 years ago of the actor doing an impression of Harrison Ford! I guess it impressed.

The Bill Cosby Show aired from 1969-1971.