
“Oh the Muppet is on,” my Mom whenever she hears a song of his. I genuinely think she doesn’t know his name.


They claim it’s for Maisie but really it was so Kit could appear taller than someone, *finally*.

My theory is that Ben floated those reconciliation rumors to the press since he’s realizing what a poor decision breaking up with Jen 2.0 was. This way he could show them to her and be like, “Haha... what a crazy story! I wonder who would have said that? But...what if...follow me on this, just thinking out loud

Jon Snow (Played out, but I wanted something warm)

one day you will run out of Carol content, and I fear that day with every fiber of my being

This was a fun romp, Samer!

I actually did! I had to purchase one for a Halloween costume a couple of years ago.

I <3 Jezspin. I’m also curious if Samer knew what a stole was prior to this article.

too late, April 1st last year was awesome

Worst Foodspin article ever. Not one recipe for dog.

How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.

Porn is bad kids.