
Mike Lee and Ted Cruz in 2013, just after Mr. Cruz told Lee what happened at vacation Bible school. Photo via AP Images

I think this rant actually qualifies as three delegates for Donald Trump.

On the other hand...

hot take:

God grant this woman eternal life. It’s needed.

Ask them a question about something in their profile. Maybe add a line mentioning your connection to the subject. You don’t need to write more than a sentence or two, but “good morning” isn’t going to make a good impression. It translates as, “I think you’re cute. Now you do the work of starting the conversation.”

do not compliment her on her looks and/or body parts, do compliment her on her interests, show interest in her interests. etc...

Yep, that was my experience. Dudes love to be desired given how many of their messages are never even replied to.

Stair daggers would encourage more elevator use.

I take the elevator if I have to fart because I am a bad person.

When is it acceptable to make a shit-ass comment about someone taking the elevator? Never. Because I did it once, and the person was coming off of knee surgery a few months prior and I had to go to “sensitivity” class because of it.

“And where they cannot, we’ve seen great things too. In Saudi Arabia where women are not allowed to drive, 80 percent of our riders are female.”

let’s call this whole Uber thing off.

This is so blown out of proportion! I had Chipotle LAST week and it was delicious.

I’ve never felt shame for watching porn until I’m at the point of no return, then rocking back until I’m resting on my shoulders with my feet up in the air as I attempt to shoot it in my own mouth.

Then you haven’t lived.

Barack goes to Cheers and orders buttery nipples for everyone.