Bob Holliman

Increasing Antarctic oceanic ice cover during the initial portion of warming isn't unexpected - increasing summer melt will decrease the salinity of surface water in the southern Southern Ocean, and it will freeze more easily in the winter. Thus increased ice area.

Alice Morgan fall into this category. The genius murderer with no moral compass, but she remains sympathetic (and awesome) to the audience.

This is a battle that has to be refought, every few decades.

One author that, in my opinion, really nailed this is Neil Gaiman: on Sandman's the collectors episode (#14, if memory serves), we see how serial killers, once stripped off their own self-aggrandizing fantasies, are reduced to very common, mediocre people.

television is primarily a method of escapism for the lower and middle class -and i think i can speak for us all when i say that i'd rather not watch shows that illustrate how financial pressure, mental illness, or the vicissitudes of the public school system might lead someone to be a killer. frankly, there's a reason

A.I. was one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. Twelve Monkeys was also quite good. Recently Super-Eight, Looper, Oblivion, and John Carter were good as well. So many great sci-fi movies out there.