
So happy the Sox finally won a World Series! (As you know, winning a World Series on the road doesn't count.)

Other examples: this whole fucking series

This is because WPA can be positive or negative. Freese has had 46 World Series PA, and in 17 of them he increased the Cardinals chances of winning for a total of +1.74 WPA (his 3B and HR that game were both huge, totaling +0.91 WPA, plus he had a walk that added +0.11). However, 26 of his plate appearances have decrea

Anyone with that WPA should get a New Deal.

But what a view!

Kind of similar: In Oregon, a new family bought the house across the street from my apartment and the dad was a big International Scout enthusiast. Having had a good friend with a Scout, I kind of cringed at what we were in for. There was a lot of maintenance, a lot of idling, a lot of what sounded like pointless

Totally fake. The sky in Los Angeles is never this blue.

What the fuck is this? Whoever drew this doesn't know how Florida does their key lime pie. Bring on the MERINGUE MOUNTAIN motherfuckers!

Mr. Hawking, is that you?

Vin Scully.

I'd think twice before hiring a law firm whose acronym is a homophone for "quack."

Belle retired early due to injury, so insurance, not the Orioles, payed the last year or two of that contract.

Tito loved Boston until the time that ownership and the media tagged-teamed him. The fans here still love him, are rooting for him, and will give him a standing-O before game 1 of the ALDS if the Indians make it here.

Might as well play Chicharito in all these mid week games this year since he'll have all of next summer off.

Here's the bigger mystery: Why did Schefter steal AOL Moviephone's 1998 design for his Twitter background?

Difference between Browns and Steelers when it comes to being 0-2; Steelers punish their young players, Browns do them a favor.

You've got it all wrong—Luck is the guy who throws, other players have to catch.

The entire damn fool notion of "in-market" games is so 20th century. In a modern America in which it seems like everyone everywhere is from somewhere else (*lives in Seattle; grew up in Boston), access to out-of-market games ought to be a technological right.

Because he coaches the Redskins.