Blake Griffin = 254
Blake Griffin = 254
A few corrections...
But this is the way it's done in Gringo burritos. If you take it out, you might have an authentic burrito on your hands.
They make it that ways in LOTS o' places.
Let's be honest about ourselves, the US did not deserve to be in the top 8. Top 16 (if it mattered) perhaps yes, but not the top 8.
I would be THRILLED to have England in the USA group again. They are a UEFA squad that doesn't scare me (unlike the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and Italy).
Is Gene now part of the Blue Man Group?
Though the Jets must be below the x-axis.
Or how about the Orioles and Albert Belle?
Reading this made me laugh out loud.
The Texans logo has replaced the generic star for the eye with the Astros star.
How can you not say that the area in north/central West Virginia with the Arizona/St. Louis game is not getting screwed the most this week?!?!
I know it's the 13th inning, but the number of fans (and how quiet they are) makes this sound and look like a minor league game, a college game, or even a high school game.
When I see Flacco's perpetually slack-jaw expression, I'm not surprised he has a hard time understanding things.
Is it just me or are these guys channeling their inner Joaquin Phoenix?
And then it posted a pic of an origami unicorn in a cut-off hoodie.
I love your explanation. I'm a die-hard fan and I'd never thought of it like that. Makes perfect sense. Thanks!