
'MURICA...fuck no. This is so depressing, but I'm glad there are enough sane women (hopefully men too) up in arms about it. Keeps my faith (as a Brit) in the American portion of humanity just about alive. Keep on fighting the good fight Jezebellians!

Thanks for this tip.

Thanks for talking about this - especially the bit about fixating on a random food until you get whatever it is - I do that a LOT, and I hate the compulsiveness of it too (and ditto on the 'not really overweight, but only because I'm young' thing). My relationship with food drives me mad - I go through cycles of

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Although that description also covers pretty much every Claire Danes film ever (occasionally minus the period costume).

"People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given to them by their bodily identity...They deny their nature"...this is so couched in vague rhetoric, he could be talking about anything. I know in context it's obviously supposed to be 'teh gays', but sounds to me like he's complaining about the kind of enforced

'...but it's obvious to me that this kind of targeted, gender based harassment is seated in some deep loathing about women' Haha...I had this exact thought. 'That's woman's so nice, but damn she's cultivated some obnoxious body hair'. I think it means 'quality' in the more literal sense of 'property' or 'attribute' opposed to 'developed character trait'.

Charlotte Allen by day, RetroactiveWoman (tm) by night! If only she had been there to save them all with her sharp-shooting ex post facto insight, and wall of reinforced gender stereotypes!

Nothing counts if the internet doesn't know about it. For example, my friends who aren't on Facebook don't have Birthdays, to my knowledge, and those who don't have lovingly Instagrammed images of every meal, well, it's because they don't eat ever. FACT.

'Best to flirt in a knee length skirt'. I, for one, would like to see the boys of the group following this one to the letter. Non-gendered prescriptive advice FTW! :D