
Feel encouraged?? I just found out an unbelievable athlete is not only fitter than me, but also smarter. Tough way to start my 9-5, Barry.

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

She's saying that she cannot clarify where she went or what occurred between when she got in the cab and when she woke up the next day. Nothing confusing there.

Whoopi Goldberg ALWAYS takes the man's side in any story where his opponent(s) is female. Always. No exceptions.

Wow. Someone needs to go on the view and specifically go over Whoopi's rape apology list and take her to task on each one.

If it was any other quarterback, people would say he was trolling. But when Andrew Luck does it he's just being true to himself.

As Luck would have it, the Colts' offensive line sucks.

I almost wonder if that's her beat: write about something relatively uncontroversial (giant new park complex and some people want space for dogs; hook-up apps are generally understood to be for single people; and so forth) and see if you can get a big argument started in the comments.

No, it's not cheating. But it doesn't have to be cheating to not be acceptable.

Yup. Having an account at Ashley Madison isn't conclusive prove that your partner is cheating either, but it's pretty fucking close.

Nor should you accept it. Unless you're in an open relationship, this shit is unacceptable.

Nah. If my man had a Tinder account, I'd curb his ass. Sure, it could be that he's not planning on cheating, but most people don't wake up one day and say, "I'm going out to make it happen tonight" or whatever. It's a slow burn, most of the time. And while there are a lot of people who are okay with ONS, many aren't.

I feel like 95% of Tracy Moore's posts are jokes that are just above my head. Logging in to a hook-up app with the intent to evaluate the fuckability of other potential partners is not the same thing as noticing a good-looking person on the street.

I do not mind my boyfriend looking, or even sometimes engaging in nice tasteful polite flirting. This happens when you are out in public, engaging with others. But to download an app to your phone built for the specific purpose of looking at others while we are together (like I mean in the same room, spending time

So wait... your original article critiqued a white person for not having any black friends (based on conjecture and nothing else, but that's a separate issue) and urged her to go find a black friend like she's collecting trading cards or something. And now that she's been pictured with a black person, you're jokingly

Nobody cares about Taylor Swift having black friends.

What a shame that Taylor Swift didn't check with Jezebel writers before assembling her "posse." I understand that as a public figure it's her job to have big issues projected onto her very narrow slice of life, but the insinuation (and there *is* insinuation here that Taylor Swift is racist) is unambiguously mean.

Of COURSE Lombardi cares about reinstatement or cap relief. If he doesn't, he sure as hell shouldn't be a GM.

''Quite frankly, I'm beyond caring about reinstatement or cap relief,'' Lombardi said. ''My biggest concern is that if he is charged with a felony, this one incident could jeopardize Slava's entire career.''